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How do you Handle Stress?

Even though your personal life, unique situations and challenges, workplace and environmental factors, play a role in how you react to external stressors, you can minimize the impact on your health by doing small things every day that lead to better outcomes. Equally important, since stress is now linked to the progression of many diseases, it’s worth to learn how to deal with it:

Try to change how you respond to the stressor – Instead of looking at it as if you don’t have control over it, depending on the circumstance, you may put yourself in the other side. There could be different reasons that led to that situation.

Is it … ?


- See if there are alternate routes (it can even help your brain to get out of the routine)

- Maybe the other driver has many things on their mind as well


        - Give yourself some room to spare. Sometimes a few extra minutes make the difference between feeling stressed or in control

        - Try to batch your trips; even at home – taking something to the room? Is there something you need to bring on your way back? Little things add up.

        -  Look for ways to improve efficiency – Perhaps a to-do list. Whatever way or system works best for you.


        -    Aim for clear communication – it is often the missing link

        -    Workload issues? Talk to your supervisor about his/her priorities. What’s more important for them at the moment?

              Do you have the tools necessary to the job in a timely manner?

        -    Co-workers – analyze the situations. Is there anything you can do to improve or avoid?

        -    Practice assertive skills and aim for a win-win outcome.


Perhaps the most important aspect in our lives. In the ideal state, it allows us to fulfill all other areas of our lives with greater ease. Unfortunately, if left unattended, our bodies quickly tell the difference.

In a nutshell, Aim for good sleep, exercise, manage stress, give yourself some time to relax. If you are in pain, try to minimize triggers (like inflammatory foods).

What can you do (with what you already have) to improve your situation? Sometimes you just need a little effort on your part, to start the change.

When you look beyond simple answers, you find better solutions.


Everybody needs to be listened to, but we all want to express our needs and wants. While some of us do more complaining than others, it’s important to be aware of that and meet somewhere in between. Even when the other person might not always realize your effort, you’ll know you’re trying. Saying that you’re doing your best might take a while, as naturally, we excuse ourselves or give more allowance to our behavior, but it does not mean you are stuck in one way or mindset. Our brain has the ability to change. So, let’s give it a try!

Everything else

Thought reading was not your strongest skill? You got this far! We sincerely thank you for that!

Now, all of this might not have been anything new for you, but you know what they say: The way you do one thing, you do everything else”

So, just apply some of your inner wisdom to your unique circumstances and you’ll be ok to handle the way of life.

See other links: Strength Training

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